Architecture & Land Surveying

We Helped Develop East Alabama

From the Opelika Industrial Park... to the Neptune Water
Meter Manufacturing Plant in Tallassee... to the Award
Winning Architectural Project for the U.S. Army Aviation
Museum at Fort Rucker... we have been an integral part
of the recent history and development of the east
Alabama area.

We practice both philosophical and practical
architecture. Philosophical because without a soaring
spirit, a building may be only a dull and technical
shelter. As the former State Building Commissioner of
Alabama, I know  that a building has to work in all
aspects of firmness and safety.
Land Surveying

There are many different ways to survey land, some not
so good.  We strive to completely satisfy our clients by
clearly marking lands and divisions so that when the
owner visits the site, he can clearly see his boundaries,
his corners, and his lines.
All rights reserved.
Philip Fretwell Architect & Land Surveyor
Auburn, Alabama & East Alabama Region